Thursday, October 22, 2009

This week in ballsy mayors

This is a few weeks old, but according to multiple sources and reported in the City Paper, Pittsburgh's Boy Mayor had some choice words for his G20 critics at the ACLU - and he did it all ironically donning riot gear. This is genius:
It's not every day you hear about Mayor Luke Ravenstahl appearing in police riot gear, taunting the head of the local American Civil Liberties Union and dropping the f-bomb in front of the city's media elite.
Ravenstahl used his moment on stage to send a message to ACLU state legal director Vic Walczak, who has sharply criticized the city's handling of G-20 protesters. According to multiple sources, Ravenstahl said something like this: "I heard we're going to face a free-speech lawsuit. Well, I have some free speech for you -- fuck you, Vic Walczak."
What a beast. We knew there was a reason why we liked the guy. Go get 'em, Luke. Just be home before the streetlights come on, or Onorato's going to get all "goosey" on you.

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